Frequently Asked Questions

Where are we located?

We are located in Historic Downtown Lee’s Summit, Missouri, Our address is 100 SE 3rd Street, LSMO 64063, We are at the square at Douglas and 3rd Street.

Do we offer carry out or delivery?

We offer our entire menu with carry out orders, We offer delivery service via DoorDash and UberEATS

What kind of food do we offer?

We offer a wide variety of different american cuisine. We offer Tacos, Wings, Sliders, Soups, Sliders and so much more, check out our menu on the menu page.

Where can we park?

We know that parking Downtown Lee’s Summit can be difficult but we know our food is worth the wait, Downtown Lee’s Summit offers street parking, surface lots and the City Hall parking garage where you can always find a spot. There are also loading zone spots for quick pick up service.

Can we dine in at your restaurant?

We have a large dinning room with tables for up to 8, high tops and low tables are available as well as outdoor seating when the weather is nice on our sidewalk.

Do we serve alcohol?

YES! We offer a wide verity of domestic and craft beer as well as a variety wine as well as our famous Frankierita margarita and sangria.